

87 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Jason Bing

    Hi, my name is Jason Bing. I’m a photographer in Portland, Oregon. This looks like an awesome project! I would be very interested in working on a Portland version if you would be interested… I am in the process of revamping my web site but I’m happy to send some examples of my work.

    1. Avery

      Great initiative! However I find the “around the world” part to be a bit misleading. You’ve not photographed from any cities on the continent of Africa. There’s a huge debate going on there about what it means to be African versus what it means to be gay. Media like this could serve as a timely driver for diminishing the African-gay dichotomy.

    1. thegaymenproject

      Thanks Ross! my dream is to photograph gay men from different cities across the world..if the blog catches I’ll definitely take it to Australia. Keep in touch, hopefully someday I can photograph YOU..

  2. Peter

    thanks for the chance to see the blog… I find it fascinating at many levels. I guess that they are location, identity, lifestyle and more. Being from Australia and Melbourne (said to be the most European city in Oz) I find the housing in NY, tight. We are very spoiled here for space. Identity for me is diversity and just being who we are, how we want to be. Lifestyle is how we live and in Australia, regardless of location we do live a very different life, more outside, and sadly often hidden. So for me, the celebration of me, you and us, is diversity and survival. The world would be away less amazing place without us.

    1. thegaymenproject

      Hey Peter, thanks so much for the message! I’d love to see Melbourne someday…. definitely keep in touch, maybe someday I can photograph you for the project. My goal for this project is to create a community of gay men, hopefully globally, so your support means a lot to me. I agree, the world would be a less amazing place without us! kisses. kt

    1. thegaymenproject

      Hey Anita, that’s funny you asked, because I’m planning on asking him! He’s on my top list of guys to get! I interned in the photo department of OUT a couple years ago, and would run into him on the elevator occasionally and he was always so nice. I actually have the Fashion Editor (Brent) in the project…I’m in London now, but was going to ask him when I got back. Maybe you can help encourage him to do it!! 😉

      1. Anita Flowers

        How funny, it’s such a small world … I will email him later.
        And if you are shooting in London, I have the perfect man for you there too!

  3. Samuel Ruacho

    Thanks for the “lovely” tribute to gay men and friends. By far, your self-portrait is my favorite pic.

    1. thegaymenproject

      Hey Samuel, thanks for writing. I want you to know it really means a lot. This project has become quite an obsession for me, and sometimes I question the fact that I’m devoting almost entirely all my time and energy to it (when I went to London, I didn’t leave room to visit one museum! Too busy photographing) so it means a lot when people reach out and send me little reminders that I do have an audience and my work is worthwhile. Keep coming back, and send me a message every once in a while. Cheers! Kevin

  4. Zirjaye S.

    I hope you can reach the Philippines as well where there are a lot of out gay men. And especially in the Fashion industry. I know for once in ur life you went here. 🙂 Hope to meet you as well Kevin. 🙂


      1. Avery La Fleur

        Come to Denver. Would love to be a part of this beautiful project. I know many men who would love to be a part as well.

  5. Jeslin

    I absolutely love this website, I started following it after my cousin had a post on here. I would love to participate and be the subject of your beautiful photography, though I am a gay woman. Thank you for this website, it is truly a special gift,
    Peace and love from CO,

    1. thegaymenproject Post author

      Jeslin, I’d love to have you. I’m trying to plan a cross country road trip, so will keep in touch….would love to go to Colorado..xoxo

  6. Chusen

    Hi there, I’m Chusen, in Vietnam i’ve got your message from Fridae. Unfortunately, i have forgotten my ID and password there to reply you soon. I have seen the project. It’s amazing. Would love to meet, chat chit…or taking photo (i’m taking photos, unprofessionally, too ). Please contact me via my email at:, my FB:



  7. scott Alexander

    What a amazing and beautiful project.
    I just discovered it and I am so moved by the great stories and photos.

    Thanks you for sharing this great work and your talent

    I look forward to each new addition.

  8. ps27b1Paul Boynton

    Hello – Just read about your project in the article by Kergan Edwards-Stout in the Huffington Post. You are doing awesome work and I plan to watch the project as it unfolds. also share the project on my Facebook page “Being Gay Becoming Gray.” Thanks for what you’re doing! Paul

  9. Huynh Trung

    Hey Kevin

    It’s Trung ( Julian ) Who organise BITCH party a monthly gay dance party in Saigon, Vietnam since June 2010 ( .
    It’s seem like an ver interested project.
    If you need more source or more people please let me know, i know many many gay iconic who you should know or hear a bit about them !

    Let me know if you are into

    No: 098 809 9511

  10. pele

    I was lead here by a link that a friend posted on Facebook and I must say that I love the idea of this. I think it can possibly serve as a comfort zone for people out there that are gay and maybe have no one to connect or turn to for solace and release. I wish you luck on this project and am excited to see it blossom and expand! I am a fan.

    cheers from tijuana / san diego area.

  11. Celest V. Downing

    This is probably the most influential and true project I’ve ever seen on gay men. I’ve seen it always stereotyped to the white guy (ironically enough I am white). But it’s nice to see other people getting the recognition. it’s awesome! sad not to see Wisconsin in it…

  12. Luc

    Hello, my name is Luc. I’m a Belgian and I have been living for almost 15 years with my boyfriend who is from Rwandees origine. I would love to be photographed by you and be part of your project. So let me know if you would cole to. Belgium 🙂
    Kind regardes,

  13. Anthony

    Hello, am Anthony from Beirut, Lebanon. It’s a really great project, thank you for sharing those stories and photos with us.
    You definitely got my support ! Hope you’d come one day to the middle east and more precisely to Lebanon.
    Good Luck !

  14. omar

    Hi , am Omar from Cairo , Egypt it’s an awesome project you have to keep going on

    you got my full support ! i hope i can meet you one day 😀

  15. Thh

    Love what you’re doing. Hope someday I’ll share my story too. For now I just read and get all the hope you spread thanks to this awesome projet, it is so inspiring. Thank you.

  16. aboy

    I really appreciate what You are doing, this means so much to me and puts a big smile on my face. Gives me hope since I am fairly closeted. It would be amazing if You would come to Lithuania since I have not seen any gay men where I live and it’s quite a taboo to be gay. Would be interesting if You would get one to tell a story.

    1. thegaymenproject Post author

      Hey thanks for writing! I think it would be interesting to come to Lithuania, what’s it like to be gay there?

      1. aboy

        It’s not too good. There’s a lot of hate. We are a post-soviet country and maybe that is what stops us as a society to be as tolerant and accepting. But the new generations are getting better at this, so maybe there’s hope. As being gay myself, I am not too familiar with what it’s like to be gay in Lithuania since I just came out to myself and havent found ways to express myself or find any other gay men and how to live like a gay man. It should be better in the capital Vilnius. There were a few prides going, but all I know is that it went kind of horrible with a lot of hate and violance, or maybe thats the only thing that our media showed. But who knows, maybe I’m just being too pessimistic about it. Anyways, I believe it is getting better.

  17. Bill

    Fantastic project, Kevin; kudos for undertaking the endeavor to showcase gay men in all their diverse and varied lives, in stark contrast to the usual tiresome images involving the White Party, Mardi Gras etc. etc. The photos beautifully encapsulate the essence of each subject in his native surroundings. Well, at least, as much as a stranger peering in could ever gain from the outside. Ironically, the success of projects including this one will hopefully extinguish the need for it in the first instance. Until then, I wish you much luck and success in completing this worthwhile project.

  18. Maxim Muzychenko

    Oh my God! I can’t believe my eyes… Kevin, thank you so much for this project. It’s absolutely unbelievable and very social. Who could ever imagine than somebody will do this?… The Catalog Of Gay Men!!! I’m so emotional because it touching me so deep. My name is Maxim and I live in Russia, Vladivostok. Was born in a small miner’s city and only at 21 yo I dared to say that I’m gay. Now I am 29, living with my partner for more than 6 years. I have a great job, travelling around the globe and have a lot of friends who share me identity. I just want to say you very thank you, because living in Russia as a gay man is not easy ))) but I held my back up high! Thank you soooooo much for such fabulous project which help to us recognize and understand who we are and what we run! Maxim

  19. Peter

    Saw the kickstarter.

    Great idea! Love it!

    Getting paid to travel the world and getting laid with other men and spreading love and occasionally AIDs.

  20. Alejandro Garcia Caro

    Hi, My Name is Alejandro, I live in Cd. Juarez Chiuahua Mexico (Border with El Paso Tx. ) I think is an awesome project and I will like to be in one of your pictures with my partner in live Emmanuel, we have almost 7 years living together and we been an example of marriage for our families and friends. Thanks 🙂


    I love the project you have undertaken. Life is full of highs and lows that can be accentuated by being gay. I have lived all over the US and now in South America. At 39 my career as a surgeon was taken away from me by rheumatoid arthritis. It led me to a life of humanitarian aide work that is incredibly fulfilling. Fortunately, I have had the good fortune to travel much of the world, I find that much of are struggles are the same, however, they can be amplified by social/economic status. As an expat living in Colombia, I am afforded a very accepting life, while the gay Colombian next to me might not. It was eyeopening how advanced Colombian society was in its laws protecting gays and lesbians. Best wishes for your continued project.

  22. Chris

    Gay men exist in all sizes of cities and towns, but you have chosen to focus on the typical places. Everyone else is invisible. I appreciate your effort but it also belies your mindset about where gay men are supposed to live.

  23. Peter

    Hi Kevin,
    What a wonderfull idea. Gave me a smile on my face. I do hope so much that this site will be viewed by lots of scared, bullied, selfhating but oooh so wonderfull gay men and women who doubt themselves, want to change themselves, hide themselves and lie about themselves not knowing that they are so beautifully perfect being who they are. That this site can give them courage, hope and strength to make the decisions that can help them to have a free, open and accomplished life. Thanks to you…little bringer of light, love and tolerance…
    Je t’embrasse..

  24. Lemar

    I saw all of your posts on about the Undetectable study,I just want to say THANK YOU! Thanks for standing up for all of us. You are so knowledgeable and I appreciate that. Those guys were a mess, and you handled it all in a very pleasant,informative, mature, and positive way! xoxo

  25. zoltan

    Most of the homosexual males are not realy homosexual males, just rubbing body together with males became realy convenient.

  26. Natalia Orube

    I loved the project! very nice stories and to learn more about the daily lives of most people! congratulations on the new venture and also to those people who take pride com harmony em a life without barriers! It is very nice to see people happy! Let us be happier! Beautiful photography! Greetings from Argentina!

  27. Costas Papadopoulos

    Hi Kevin

    For personal reasons I deleted my Facebook account. But we are lucky to see and hear about your amazing travelling and meeting wonderful gay people and gay couples all over the world through your web site. Well done 🙂

    Costas Papadopoulos

  28. Ryan Nunn

    Kevin this is Kennedy bro just just ur project just wanna say so proud of u man I mean it, I remember the quite kid at first in high school n look at u know, keep up ur great work

  29. DR. J E

    when will the pic be posted fro Fargo Moorhead pride from last AUG when you were in Moorhead MN?????

    1. thegaymenproject Post author

      Hi there. I’ve never been to Moorhead, MN or its pride. Sorry for the confusion.


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