

87 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Angus Tilney

    I am fascinated by your work about gay men. I have been with my partner for nearly 24 years. I thought things were going well until the summer of 2014 when I began experiencing mobility issues. I was subsequently diagnosed with Parkinson, which given my active lifeestyle, has changed the way we view life. Ever since I was about five years old, I knew I was different, moving every 2-3 years from country to country. It was a struggle finding my sexual identity in these cultures. Anyway, best wishes on your project.

  2. hernan

    Gracias por su labor atraves de este proyecto retratar vidas,imagenes de personas reales ,simples, que capta su ojo critico desnudando que tambièn tienen alegrias,penas,soledad,amor,desamor que no solo los gays somos perfectos con cuerpos alados,con profesiones soñadas,con la pareja ideal,que algunos disfrutamos la soledad en si,que tal vez no encontremos el amor pero aùn asi apostamos a un lugar mejor para nosotros y futuras generaciones libres de homofobia,de no aceptaciòn.
    Repito gracias gracias por tomarse tiempo de realizar este trabajo,saludos desde un lugar pequeño de Argentnina.
    Atte, Hernàn

  3. Juan Carlos Juliao T

    WOW, muy pocas veces algun articulo o projecto que tenga la palabra GAY me deja sin palabras pero este lo hizo, soy Homosexual y me siento orgulloso de serlo, y sobre todo me siento orgulloso de no pertenercer al cliche de lo que la sociedad considera que somos los homosexuales… soy medico haciendo ya especialidad en Infectologia y asi como yo tengo varios colegas que con nuestras labores solo buscamos brindar mejor calidad de vida a quienes lo necesitan… sin importar nuestra orientacion sexual solo buscamos ser felices y demostrar que somos algo mas que un estereotipo absurdo y sin fundamento. Me encanto !!!

  4. juan carlos Oliver

    Hi, my name is Juan Carlos I’m 35 and I’m from Mexico city. I think you should include Mexico City in your project, this is one of the biggest cities all over the world and things have changed a lot last years about gay community. This is a very macho country but the city has transformed and now is a little more open to new ideas and of course, for gay people. At the same time I recognize some problems of identity that makes it very difficult to find good relationships between gay people, most of the times everything is related to sex. I’d love to be part of this project, I can tell my story about being a gay in a catholic family and try to find love in one of the biggest cities.

  5. Jem

    Hi, Kevin. So good to see your ongoing work. I love it. Unfortunately these posts this year are not allowing me to choose the “Like” button for some reason. Wonder if you are aware of that? I use WordPress to comment and maybe it’s something to do with a WordPress glitch.

  6. Dave

    Hi, I found this blog through a picture on instagram. I am amazed and happy that the gay love exist, never saw a real gay couple and i thought it was only fictional on tv. Im 36 years old guy who is kinda closeted, I’ve never been in a relationship or had a boyfriend , that made me lost the hope of having someone in my life. I fell in love a couple of time , but the other person never felt the same, and seeing these pictures make me wish and believe someday i could tell my story here , a story with someone. Im not sure how much time i will have to wait, but to have found this blog give me a illusion that could ever happen.


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