Anatoly, in his own words: “My coming out story began when I found harmony within myself, pushing all outside irritants and negative emotions to the outskirts. Now that I’m looking from a different point of view, there are no obstacles I can’t overcome. Coming out is just another moment of the life you are going through, and it is no longer a challenge for me. Start changing the society with stereotypes from yourself, especially if you are gay.”
Category Archives: New York City
Aunsha and Michael, Capacity Builders, New York City
Thom, Urban Planning Graduate Student, New York City
Thom, in his own words: “As a kid from Ohio, the stork couldn’t have dropped me in a more accepting family; my parents are very liberal and forward thinking. Yet as a kid I held an incredible amount of guilt and self-hatred. When I was younger I liked to plan everything and when the thought of being gay came to mind, I couldn’t imagine how it could fit into the straight and narrow path for success I had mapped out. I didn’t know any gay people or have any gay role models growing up. When there’s no one there to show you what’s possible, it’s incredibly difficult to feel good about who you are or imagine what you’re capable of.
I came out when I was 20 to my Dad while we were on a long car ride. I was talking about Judith Butler and
social constructions of identity, and then next thing I know I am telling my father that I’m gay! I remember he pulled over to the side of the road and I cried for a really long time. He told me that he loved me, and that nothing would change that. I had never breathed that deeply or cried with so much relief. In an instant I felt so much more myself, and so much more felt possible.
The feelings I had about my sexuality as a kid and the empowerment that came from coming out, inform my decision to be outspoken about my sexuality as an adult. If I’d had a role model or someone close to me that could of reassured me that things were going to work out, I would have been so much happier in my adolescent years.
I’m still pretty new to New York, but what I’ve experienced has been cool. Having worked at a gay bar in San Francisco and been involved in the scene at a number of levels, New York definitely brings something else to the table. I really like the diversity especially amongst young queer identifying folk in Brooklyn. With work and school, I’m not quite as much of a party boy as I once was. You might see me at Metropolitan or One Last Shag from time to time. Say hi.
My ideal man is the brawny paper towel man with a PhD.”