Tag Archives: oscar

Oscar, Writer, San Francisco

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

Oscar, in his own words: “‘Confessions of a Boy Toy’ is a futuristic gay love story where humans have cyborg devices implanted in their bodies, and love at first sight seems to be a thing of the past:

Wilde flinched into consciousness, awaking to the sounds of morning, construction outside the window. The first sensation was that of his bare butt gracing the maroon sheets made of silk as he slipped into a sit up. He rubbed his temples, forcing for the pain to fade. Like many nights before when cocktails and curiosity had led him away from his own bed and into new territory, he had passed out before he could switch off his Eyes. The disks now felt heavy, bombarded and drained, causing a sophisticated pain in his head. But this inconvenient, morning after ache had never stopped him from ending the night crashing elsewhere. The thing about Wilde was that he could comfortably fall asleep anywhere, under the most absurd of circumstances, even in a stranger’s bed. Not that anyone nowadays could be considered a stranger.

Wilde didn’t have to use his exhausted Eyes to detect and recognize this man still sleeping next to him with his face plummeted deep inside the pillow. Wilde remembered everything about the night prior, even his ephemeral biting of this man’s grooved skin, where his shoulder blades met the neck. What Wilde couldn’t forget either was the moment when they had made Eye contact at the holiday party seven weeks ago, how boldly this man had offered to get him a drink and then another, and the eventual cluttering of emotions that had urged Wilde to follow this man—his boss—all the way to bed.”