Tag Archives: stories of gay men

A Note from Cesar, in Germany…

“My parents discovered that I was gay when I was 14, at that same age I also realized that I was gay. They found some gay porn under my bed. They talked to me and took me with a therapist until I was “not gay” anymore.Everything was good at home because I kept hiding that I was gay. But it was so hard for me. There were some nights that I cried a lot because of who I am. Saying to the world, why? why me?

I hide my homosexuality for 5 years, at the age of 19 I got my first boyfriend, it was a distance love. One day my mother took my phone and saw a whatsapp message from my boyfriend where I told him that I love him. I didn’t know until my boyfriend told me someone called him saying that he is a fucking faggot, that should get away from me because if he doesn’t it would be the end of him, also I saw that my parents were so quite with me. One day my mother and I where seating out side the house and suddenly she started telling me that she have has lesbian friends that they were ruined but the they became straight had a husband and now they are living so happy and good bla bla bla… At this point I knew what she wanted. She told me about the message, and that I should stop dating this guy. She also told me that: because of me she was feeling so bad and that if I love her I should stop being gay. As if it easy like that. I didn’t, so my parents stopped talking to me for 4 months, by this time I was sheltering with my best friends. My boyfriend traveled to my city and I told my parents that I would be with some friends the whole weekend doing university’s projects. When I arrived to my house I thought my parents didn’t have a clue about it and I was so happy about it until the next day when they realized that I was with this guy the whole weekend.

My father started insulting me saying that I’m worthless, that I’m shit, that I’ll ruin my career, that it would be better to start looking another place to live, and then asked me to take my shirt of and started to hit me with a wet belt. By this I was completely destroyed I passed 3 weeks crying every single night. And my dad kept sending me e-mails with “information” of why being gay is bad, which aids you can have if you are gay and stuff like that and stopped calling me son. One day I was really tired of it so I wrote the next e-mail attaching the movie “prayers for Bobby” to him:

“Mom, dad:

I’m 19 years old and soon I’ll be 20. Time goes fast. If I take a look back, I can see I’ve lived a lot of experiences and you have been there with me all my life.

I know, everybody tell me, you have also tell me, since you know I’m homosexual it hasn’t been easy for you. Believe me, for me neither. It hasn’t been easy to experience break hearts and arrive into the house hiding my crying or crying softly to not bother you. It hurts me the silence that you put between us. You are putting the walls between us.

No, it hasn’t been easy and I’m really trying to understand you, but sometimes it’s hard for me to understand. I know, your education is different, because they put on you a lot of walls. They teach you that love must be just between men and women.

I know I broke your plan of me having a wife, visiting you on Sundays with the grandsons. I know it hurt you because nobody prepared you to face an unexpected situation where religion, people and family influence your fear. I understand all of this, but I don’t justify it.

I don’t justify that in front of something unknown you refuse and not search for alternatives to create new links between us. Nobody teach you how to be parents just like nobody teach us how to be sons. We learn that together. The sons learn from the parents never the less the parents must learn from and for the sons. Mom, dad, I am here. I’m still here and soon I’ll start my life. It’s me. I haven’t changed. I’m still intense, the same that cries with movies and books, the same that laugh loud, the same that hugs, the same that has goals and doesn’t keep quiet, the same that make you some drawing in kinder garden, the same that danced in the elementary school festivals, the same that keep telling you ‘I love you’. THE SAME that doesn’t hurt anyone for loving or sleeping with someone of the same sex. IT’S JUST LOVE and love doesn’t have a gender.

I cried a lot because I have had this feeling that we’re losing time that will not come back, time that we could use to re-meet us, approach and share without masks our life.

Fortunately I have learned to live with your presence and absence, I’ve learned to make another family with my friends and share a lot of things with them. Things that I would like to share with you but you are missing out.

I wish you could realize that the present time goes away and it goes so fast that we don’t even realize, tomorrow maybe one of us will not be here and we will know, too late, that we were wrong.

I have the peace of mind to recognize that I tried, but I cannot do anything.

I keep on, my life continues and it’s fine. But it would be amazing if you are here sharing this path called life. Sharing experiences, talks, moments, laughs and cries.

I know this is not easy. Moms and dads experience assimilation processes that are not always easy nor fast. It’s not easy for anybody to experience a situation that breaks the established and where because of the silence, fear and absurdities unquestioned, nobody does anything and things get more complicated. Taboos that get over the existent love and move away the people.

I understand you, but I ask you to understand me. This is not a war; let’s not make trenches or sides. There are not victims or victimizers, just, ignorance, silence and barriers.

Probably everything is already lose between us but it could be that in the future it changes, shame that future is so insecure and there’s no way for us to know it there’s going to be a future or time. There’s still love to fight for.


Your son César”

I sent this e-mail early in the morning. During the afternoon of the same day I was in a lecture at university when suddenly my phone rang, it was my dad. I answered and he was crying telling me how much he regrets everything he told to me that he would never do that again and that he was very proud his son and that he will always support me.

Since that day everything has been amazing between me and my parents. They accept me by who I am and I feel that support, that I think Latins want always to have, the family support. Now I’m finishing my university and working as an engineer in Germany.

I would just like to say, everything gets better, keep strong, and never give up.”

photo by Cesar

photo by Cesar

A Note from Rhys, in Portland, Ore…

“For me, being gay means living in tension. My deep core beliefs about the Christian tradition are daily in conflict with my deep core identify as a gay man. That’s inside me. Meanwhile outside my head, I have the gay community telling me I’ll be happy if I live one way and the church community saying I’ll be happy if I live another way.

How this plays out is that I’m the non-hetero element in a mixed-orientation marriage. Why this came about is a lot of reasons. I was raised in a sheltered Christian home-schooled family and raised to be a “good boy.” Being shy and eager to please and not having many friends, I thought I’d be happy if I was a good boy and tried to do everything my family and church told me to do. Later I ended up at Bible college where I met my wife. She was kind and thoughtful and created around her one of the safest spaces for me to be myself that I’d ever known. She got to be head over heels for me. I was so immersed in the culture that I didn’t ever stop and seriously think about my lifestyle options. Never realized that living a gay lifestyle was a legitimate option for myself. So I took the road I knew and understood, Christian heterosexual marriage.

Five years later, we’re still together. Marriage is hard because I figured out who I am and it’s not a Christian hetero male. I’m comfortable with my sexuality but don’t have a socially acceptable expression for it. Marriage is also good because she’s good and loves me so much and wants me to be happy. The way I live is hard because I try to get support from my straight Christian friends and they just don’t have a concept for being oriented to your own gender. The way I live is good because most of my friends are eager to learn about me and willing to listen to my same pains over and over and over.

Coming out for me started when I was fourteen and first noticed I thought guys were beautiful. I tried to deny my attractions for most of high school. In college, I started sharing my story with close friends. First I’d say things like, “I’m really struggling with this and don’t know what to do.” I’d talk about my sexuality like a problem. As I got more comfortable sharing my story, I got more comfortable with who I was. Started talking about being gay the same way I talk about being a writer. Just another part of me.
In some ways, I didn’t fully come out until this year when I chose to start openly blogging about my sexuality and how it intersects with my spirituality. For the most part, people have been supportive and eager to continue being friends with me. Lots of people have really appreciated me being open. Often the response to my openness about my struggles is for them to be open about their struggles. I’d say the only real resistance came from my church. What happened was I was going to start an addictions support group, but after the pastors read my blog, they decided I was too “un-cemented in the Gospel.” They put the group on hold, made no plans to bring it up again, and it hasn’t come up again. That’s generally the response I get from the church…they just don’t bring it up.

I don’t feel like I could be complete without connection to both the church and gay communities, but I don’t know that I can ever fully meet the expectations of either. I want validation from both, for the church to say I’m a good Christian and for the gay community to say I’m a good gay man. But because I don’t get to fully practice the values of either, I fear that I’ll be denied validation from both. Living in a mixed orientation marriage makes me feel like I don’t get to live with integrity and that I’m always lying to someone. On the other hand, I get to transcend my identity and sexuality and create a family with a person completely outside my orientation. My whole life is a bridge between the Christian and Gay communities. This is the most beautiful and most painful thing I’ve ever done. Beautiful because I can see into two worlds. Painful because I’ll never fully be comfortable or welcome in either.

I’ve learned that being gay really truly isn’t about sex. It’s about friendship and affection and how you make relationships with people. Just so happens my most enriching relationships are with men. I’m okay with that. Honestly, I couldn’t imagine life any other way.”

To read more of Rhys’s story, visit his personal blog:

Journey of Peace