Tag Archives: queer

Mark, Showroom Merchandiser/Sample Coordinator, Portland, Oregon

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

Mark, in his own words: “I would sit with my infant self that was born with broken bones and not held for weeks and tell him “You are ok. You are loved by the universe. You will heal.”

I would sit with my 6 year old self that wanted dolls to put in the back of his toy truck and tell him “You are ok. You are loved. You are magic.”

I would sit with my 12 year old self that had crushes on all the boys and none of the girls and tell him “You are ok. You are loved. You are magnificent.”

I would sit with my 14 year old self that sat in front of everyone else to watch tv so he could cry without being seen and I would tell him “You are ok. You are loved. Perfect just as you are.”

I would sit with my 17 year old self that decided he needed to come out to his parents as they walked out the door to a church picnic and I would tell him “You are ok. You are loved. You are strong.”

I would sit with my 20 year old self that was disowned for wanting to love and be loved and I would tell him “You are ok. You are loved. Their ignorance is not your fault.”

I would sit with my 23 year old self that left his hometown to be free, once and for all, and I would tell him “You are ok. You are loved. You are so brave.”

I would sit with my 28 year old self that finally gave his parents an earful and said all of the things he’d been wanting to say for years and I would tell him “You are ok. You are loved. It’s ok to not need your birth family.”

I tell myself I am ok. I am loved. I will heal. I am magic. I am magnificent. I am perfect just as I am. I am strong. I am brave. Some days I don’t believe me. Most days I do.”

Tim, Business Owner, Charlotte, North Carolina

Photo by Kevin Truong

Photo by Kevin Truong

Photo by Kevin Truong

Photo by Kevin Truong

Photo by Kevin Truong

Photo by Kevin Truong

Photo by Kevin Truong

Photo by Kevin Truong

Photo by Kevin Truong

Photo by Kevin Truong

Tim, in his own words: “Growing up in a very conservative Southern family, who attended an even more conservative Primitive Baptist church, I was constantly reminded that gays were going to hell and were the worst thing on Earth. In 1982, as the HIV/AIDS epidemic became more common in the press, my family told me all gays “Got AIDS and died”. Over the next 7 years I laid in bed at night, fearful that one day I’d die of an awful disease just because I was born gay. It was at the age of 15 I finally decided I just didn’t give a fuck anymore. I knew I loved God and realized He makes no mistakes; he created me just the way he wanted to! So I came out and moved on to more important things in life like glitter, rainbows, and techno music.

But seriously, I decided I was going to appreciate the life and mind that God had given me. I realized he would want me to appreciate everything about my life and live it to the fullest instead of disrespectfully ignoring what he had created.

Over the short 20 or something…. years that I’ve been alive I’ve realized that being gay isn’t the biggest or even an important part of my life…it’s just the most fantastic part! So here I am: being fantastic and fully “living” my life! Cheers and live who you are!”