photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong
My challenges: running a business, looking for and keeping a partner, dealing with loss of loved ones, memory issues
My successes: running a business, having been in love, being resilient, being a superlative parent to my dog, and taking care of me.
I came out in 1978 at age 19. My parents were sad and surprised but they did not abandon me or force me to be something I was not. It was a home without religious oppression.
I knew I was homosexual as a 12 year old though I never knew the word for it until a few years later. I read about it but kept it hidden until I was in college as I did not want to embarrass my friends or family in my community where I grew up. I had resolved by age 16 that I was fine who I was although I really had no plan on how I would live my life.
In college prior to speaking to my friends and family, I sought a counselor who said I should probably move to San Francisco because that was where gay people lived. I didn’t follow his advice.
I think today most places are pretty inclusive. Though I have no proof of it, I would assume two men dancing at a mixed club would receive little attention. I really do not go out to gay clubs because noise and crowds are not of any interest to me. I’m happy doing what I do: museums, walks/running, the gym, wine tasting and visiting friends. I’m just not a gay scene kind of guy.
(Advice to my younger self) Invest in Apple. Know Thoreau: All men lead lives of quiet desperation. I would also suggest that when choosing a mate, look for things deeper than beauty. Finally, count to ten before you speak.”