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Thiago, Event Producer, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

Thiago, in his own Portuguese words:“Ser gay para mim significa saber quem sou e o que quero. Significa assumir os meus sentimentos e não reprimi-los por causa dos outros. Ser feliz como eu sou dando importância a mim. É entender que o amor indefere do sexo, mas que sexo é um fato para se ter uma vida mais prazerosa, saudável e prolongada.

Meus maiores desafios foram quando eu ainda estava na infância e já sabia dos meus sentimentos, pois via uma sociedade opressora com relação a sexualidade. Sabia das minhas dificuldades perante a sociedade e minha família. Pra mim isso foi um desafio. Como me comportar perante a eles? Conforme o tempo foi passando, fui tendo mais conhecimento do mundo através de livros e da história da humanidade, fui compreendendo que o meu genuíno sentimento não era anormal. Que a concepção de certo não é única e verdadeira, que a imposição sempre foi impostas através da culpa pelo santificado e de quem obtinha o controlhe (rei, clero, ditadores, etc), pois eles não entendiam tais sentimentos, sempre alegando que o carnal é algo profano, impuro, errado, demoníaco. Vi que também não sou o único, que como eu existia, existiam milhares de outras pessoas. Com isso, ganhei uma autoconfiança sobre os meus sentimentos, que mesmo que não fosse como os outros esperavam como eu deveria ser, eu não era do mal e meus sentimentos de amor não poderia ser errados. Dessa forma, eu percebi que nem todo mundo está certo. Que para alguém ter certeza sobre o que esta dizendo, a pessoa tem que estar muito bem argumentada. Convencer-me que seu ponto de vista é o correto. Meu maior sucesso foi ter essa afirmação de quê, cada um sabe o que é o certo para a sua felicidade, por tanto quê, para atingir a sua felicidade, você não faça o mal ao próximo.

Acredito que a comunidade gay do Rio de Janeiro, por ser uma cidade que tem muitos estrangeiros (turistas ou moradores) não seja diferente das outras grandes cidades do mundo. Somos uma cidade litorânea de clima tropical. Isso acaba nos influenciando certos hábitos. O Carioca em si pode até não ir à praia, mas não vive sem ela. A praia causa uma certa pressão no culto ao corpo, dos corpos liso e depilados. Isso faz com que a comunidade bear no rio não seja muito grande, porém ela existe e se faz presente. A praia de Ipanema, por exemplo, é um point gay em frente à Rua Farme de Amoedo. Lá é uma excelente local aonde você pode ver exatamente como a comunidade gay carioca é.

Nos meus 30 anos de idade, eu vejo mudanças de comportamento nos mais jovens. Por se assumem mais cedo, achava que essa juventude seria mais liberal. Ao mesmo tempo em que eles se assumem mais cedo, sinto que eles são mais caretas com algumas questões. Eles não são tão sexuais como os mais velhos, parece que estão conectados de outra forma. Assim como eu também vejo a mudança dos mais velhos, que estão assumindo mais seus pelos, cultivando mais seus corpos pela questão da saúde do que pela questão estética. De uma forma geral, as pessoas mudam com o passar dos tempos e os padrões vão mudando consequentemente.

Como foi sair do armário?

Difícil no primeiro momento. Sabia o que era. Já namorava um garoto 4 anos mais velho do que eu (eu tinha 17 anos e ele tinha 21 anos) e quis me assumir, pois tive medo que minha mãe pudesse encrencar com ele. Decidi me abrir com a minha mãe. Ela reagiu da forma mais preconceituosa, mas verbalmente. Surpreendentemente, meu irmão, a qual eu temia a pior reação, me ligou justamente após ter contato a minha mãe e minha mãe acabou contou a ele pelo telefone. Ele em seguida quis falar comigo. Para a minha maior supressa, ao pegar o telefone, ele começou a gritar “ é isso ai! Você é muito homem pra se assumir, isso não é para qualquer um não, parabéns, você é o cara!!” . Para a minha total felicidade aonde acabei me debulhando em lágrimas de felicidade.

Se você pudesse dar um conselho para você mesmo antes de sair do armário, o que você diria?

Vai em frente! Você está certo de seu sentimento e sentiu que era a hora de falar. Vai em frente! Se assumir é se definir como um homem, assumir os seus defeitos e também suas qualidades, encara-los de frente. Vai, pois você será feliz!’

In English:

“Being gay means to me knowing who I am and what I want. It means taking my feelings and not suppressing them because of anything. Being happy as I am has importance to me. You understand that sex is important to having a more joyful, healthy and long life.

My biggest challenge was when I was still a child and knew of my feelings, because I saw an oppressive society regarding sexuality. I knew I would have difficulties with society and my family. For me it was a challenge. How should I behave towards them? As time went on, I had more knowledge of the world through books and the history of mankind, I realized that my genuine feelings were not abnormal. They were designed right, and it is true that the levy has always been imposed through guilt and sanctified by those who obtain control (king, clergy, dictators, etc.) because they did not understand such feelings, always claiming that the carnal is something profane, crude, wrong, demonic. I also saw that I am not alone, that I existed and there were thousands of other people. With that, I gained self-confidence about my feelings, even if it was not like what others wanted me to be, I was not evil and my feelings of love could not be wrong. Thus, I realized that not everyone is right. That for someone to be sure about what you’re saying , the person has to be very well read. Convince me that their view is correct. My biggest success was having the understanding about happiness, therefore, to achieve your happiness, you do not do evil to others.

I think the gay community of Rio de Janeiro, being a city with many foreigners ( tourists and locals) is no different from other major world cities. We are a seaside town with a tropical climate. This eventually influences us in certain ways. The Carioca itself might not even go to the beach, but can not live without it. The beach causes some pressure on the cult of the body–the hair and smooth bodies. This makes the bear community in Rio de Janeiro not very large, but it exists and is present. Ipanema beach, for example, is a gay point opposite the Rua Farme de Amoedo. There is a great spot where you can see exactly how the gay community is in Rio.

In my 30 years, I see behavior changes in young people. Why is it assumed that youth would be more liberal? I feel that they are old fashion. They are not as sexual as the older generation, they seem to be connected in other ways. I also see the changes in older people who are taking over their hair, their bodies, by cultivating more health issues than for aesthetic reasons. In general, people change with the passage of time and the patterns are changing accordingly.

(Coming out was) Difficult at first. I knew what it was. I was already dating a boy four years older than me (I was 17 and he was 21). I was afraid that my mother could get angry about it. I decided to be open with my mother. She reacted very prejudiced in a verbal way. Surprisingly, my brother, whom I feared would have the worst reaction, called me just after I told my mother and said he wanted to talk to me. To my great surprise, I picked up the phone and he started yelling “This is it! You are a man to be honest, it is not for anyone, congratulations, you’re the man!” I began crying in tears of happiness.

(If I could give myself advice before coming out, I’d say) Go ahead! If you are sure of your feelings it is time to talk. Go ahead! Take on your challenges and face them head on. You will be happy!”

Ian, Human Resource Executive, Manila, Philippines

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

Adrian, in his own words: “Being gay is being who you are. It is about authenticity in everything that you do, unafraid of what people might think or feel about you. It is about freedom to choose who to love. It is about being resilient despite oppression from the society. It is about being an outlier and proud of it. It is about challenging the status quo and standing firm on being unique. It is about celebrating and valuing differences. It is about being a community.

Climbing the corporate ladder as a gay man is difficult for me. People tend to put labels and compare gay men with people who work in salons. That did not stop me for working hard. Every day, I try to outdo myself. I train and study really hard to get an advantage. I see my situation as opportunity to make a statement. Now at age 28, I am the youngest member of the senior management team in our company.

My ex-partner and I frequent the province to visit my parents, though I have introduced him to them as my best friend. When I received the new iPhone 4, I gave my old phone to my dad. So excited, I forgot to delete photos and messages. My parents discovered that my ex-partner was more than a friend. While washing the dishes, my mom went to me to confirm the relationship. She promised that she will pray for me every Wednesday and dedicate a novena for me to so that god will change my preference. They are not okay with my lifestyle. Since then, my relationship with them was not the same but I make the most of every opportunity to make them feel that I love them.

Manila has an active gay community. There are hotels, restaurants, bars, and clubs, who deliberately market themselves for LGBT. Despite religious issues, Filipinos are starting to accept the idea of homosexuality, largely due to media, gay celebrities and other contributing factors. LGBT-themed indie films have grown in numbers, thanks to the support of few establishments who advocates equality. Filipinos are used to gay stand-ups and comedians who perform on television and in bars for weekend comedy shows, which are almost always sold-out. Sad thing, however, I haven’t heard someone with power or influence who really came out of the closet and supported LGBT causes. While on the other hand, Quezon City recently passed an Anti-Discrimination Ordinance to ensure gender equality and promote LGBT rights.

(Advice I’d give my younger self) Take it one day at a time – don’t spend too much time wandering and searching for answers that only experience and encounters with people can provide. It’s always 101% or nothing. Give love, expect nothing in return, have no regrets. Love can always be renewed.”

Kurt, Creative Director, Portland, Oregon

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

Kurt, in his own words: “I think if anything I have a responsibility to the next generation of gay men to pay it forward, as has been done with me. I had a couple of people who helped me as a younger man to navigate the gay world with the least amount of drama and pressure and I am grateful. They were out and proud. When it wasn’t that easy and accepted as the world and more so Portland is today. They were sexual and gentle and loving. They were aggressive and in your face. They were fearless and willing to risk their health and lives to be who they are. They were creative and pushed boundaries. After HIV/ Aids and living through the beginning, the middle and hopefully the end, I have a lot to say. I’m having my chance to sit quietly or be involved in my community. I choose to be involved and responsible.

I think family has been my biggest challenge. We are all very different people, with very different belief systems, I’ve tried my best to be part of and have not succeeded very well. I did get to grow emotionally and spiritually and be independent, so I am grateful for the path I was given. I have had the opportunity to follow my heart with my work in catering/creative expression and art collecting/embroidery and have been very successful from the outside looking in and financially, I’ve also had the balance so one can feed the other. I think I found out quickly in life stuffed cake was not going to purchase a home for me ….

There really isn’t much of a (coming out) story really, maybe at the time it felt more scary and dramatic, but as I age and look back those feelings and memories, they are pretty much fun, wild, sexy, carefree and limitless (pre-HIV). I moved to Oregon from Minnesota at 19 and pretty much knew on the trip across the west, it was all about being who I was as a person (which included my sexuality, but not limited to it) and being able to discover that. I did go a bit sideways in my 20’s, but moved back to center in my 30’s so the balance was adjusted without too much of a internal tug of war. I had kind and gentle people who I crossed on that road and am grateful for all of them. I do have to say when I turned 21, my ex chef at Ainsworth’s Bar and Grill, Chuck took me to my first gay and did not hold back! The Other Inn was a sleazy, pool bar in downtown Portland with nasty drag queens playing pool with greasy leather clad dudes. I received a bit too much attention, scared the shit out of me…..

(The gay community in Portland is) Splintered. Seems to me that we live and participate in very micro groups of gays, not that much different than a gay cruise ship in the Mediterranean. The muscle boys live in the gym, the pool boys, well they live by the pool, the druggies party from 11:00PM- 8:00AM and then sleep all day. The couples leave daily for excursions and the bears live at the buffets and indoor pools. Mixed group of gays at the nightly shows and casinos where everyone shows up eventually. Portland tends to splinter the same way, but rarely overlap. Could we be more white…?

(Advice to my younger self) Be gentle, be kind, be less fearful, care less, care more with balance, have balance, save money, spend all the money like you’re dying tomorrow, stop and smell the decaf, live in the garden, surround yourself in beauty, get a dog and finally: never underestimate the power of denial”