Category Archives: Notes From Across the World

A Note From Kye, in Cape Town…

“Hi Kevin

I really admire what you’re doing.

I’m from Southern Africa. I’m 20 years old and I’m a working student. My story is fairly boring if I’m honest. But I think it’s good to share. I’ve spent a good amount of time reading some of others’ stories, so I was moved to submit mine.

I don’t remember exactly what age I was when I came out. It wasn’t a good time in my life and for a long time I was not okay. To be safe I’d say I was between 14 and 16.

I remember the day though, I sat with my mother in her office along with my older sister. My sister asked me a direct question, and I answered honestly. That pretty much wraps up my coming out.

My mother, being a devout Christian, paired with her self righteous attitude in life – decided she didn’t like my “decision” as it is called still to this day. She wanted to send me to doctors for blood testing. She did force me to see a psychologist, whom I subsequently befriended.

Since then it’s been a roller coaster ride with my mum, she openly resents me for being homosexual and regularly reminds me of how much God detests me for it.

Of course I’m doing much better since I came out. I’ve grown since, and matured into someone I am really proud to be.

My father on the other hand, took my coming out beautifully. He sat me down and apologized for every gay joke he’d ever made. He told me he loves me all the same. Sadly, he is a push over and bent under my mother’s iron fist.

So apart from the bullying in school, that’s all the negative over. Now for some positive.

In 2011, I re-met with a friend I knew from when I was 9 years old. Funny story really, we didn’t like each other when we were kids. We shared a best friend and there was some playground rivalry.

After falling in love, I put this poor guy through a year (or so) of indecision and emotional torture. Through which he persevered and waited for me, eventually he won me over.

He is the most kind hearted person you’d meet. We have the same goals and ambitions as well as morals. I’ve never been treated with this kind of respect in a relationship.

It’s been a crazy ride, but since having him in my life, I’ve felt more love than any of the bitterness, resentment and self-loathing that I knew so well before. It hasn’t been easy, but it won’t be, and it’s worth it – because it’s love.

So that’s it, I’ve probably left out loads of important information but there’s a chunk of my life, summarized.
And here we are on holiday in Cape Town <3"

photo provided by Kye

photo provided by Kye

A Note From Robert…

“I think your project is awesome!

My story is not unique. I’m was not different than another teens in the south in the 70’s, afraid of the ramifications of coming out, so I didn’t. I suppressed it for 30 years. I did what “normal” men do. Go to college, meet a girl, marry and have children.

I was going to go to my grave as a straight husband, father and friend. The turning point came 4 years ago. I didn’t come out then but because of the events is where I am today. I came out to my therapist. I was seeing him because of depression, not because I was gay living a lie. It was for what I had done, the people I hurt including my wife, son and community. I didn’t kill anyone, I am not a pedophile. My crime was white collar. My concession came out by accident, to be truthful to at least one person.

That same day I told my wife, she was not upset, mad, angry, in fact she had always suspected. We are getting divorced, but will always be friends. In fact those I told, very, very few, were not surprised. Wow, here I thought I covered it up so well. Those I’ve told are accepting. However, keep it to yourself, live the life, but be discreet. I work in a Catholic school, so you can only imagine how that would go. In fact my Priest, very accepting, has issues with the church and homosexuality, said when I told him, as a Priest, not a boss, that there was a moral clause, in the church that I could be fired, for not being gay, but acting on it. As long as he was the priest he would not fire me.

My family was less accepting and in fact, “I will burn in hell” I believe were the exact words.

Unfortunately I need this job, I want to tell the world.

My story is what it is and I wanted to share with someone.

I love your project and will continue to follow. Best of luck and thank you.”

A Note From Andre, in Toronto…

“I’m André and I’m a 23 years old Brazilian chubby guy. Being gay for me, as with most of the people, wasn’t so easy. I have always knew that I was gay but as my family was always super poor, we used to live in the “favelas” where the discrimination is way more stronger because of their lack of knowledge. I always thought that I had an extremely happy and acceptable life, well, I have never got beaten or mistreated by anyone; However, while I was remembering my life history I concluded that that’s not the truth. I was miserable because I tried to hide myself 24/7, and living a lie makes you lose thousands of unique memories and denies your own happiness.

Until my last year of high school back in Brazil I pretended that I wasn’t gay, yet I have never said that I was straight either to anyone. But then one day I decided to tell a friend and three months later to my mother. It obviously wasn’t easy for her and she got the weirdest reaction ever (in the next day she told all her friends and neighbors, it was so embarrassing). After that I became happier, I became more confident, unfortunately I am still shy for most of the things lol.

After this event, I felt that I could do everything I wanted, I could express myself freely without fear of my parents discovering. I think that after living this lie for so long God (or the universe , or any spiritual leader that that people believe in)brought into my life a succession of good stuff. I got accepted in the Federal University, which was a source of pride to my poor family that couldn’t give me a high quality education, and of course wouldn’t have enough money to pay the college tuition . Afterwards, I got an internship in a multinational oil and gas company that was considered impossible to most of my friends. Meanwhile I learned how to see love beyond any stereotype, I loved a super skinny guy, and positive, and one that looks more bottom than me LMAO. In this flashback through my life I noticed that after I became out, even the way I smiled became different. I realized that my old way to smile had never seemed truly happy. I think what I am trying to say is that I AM PROUD TO BE GAY.

I got an good life with all my true friends, I got the internship of my dreams, my parents were happy because I have a good quality education sponsored by the government, and a short time ago the Brazilian government offered to continue my high education in any part of the world for two years. And now here I’m in Toronto – Canada representing my country, traveling around the world, living by my own in a totally different place, and learning a whole new language for free. That’s why you are probably finding a bunch of English mistakes in my text (I am still learning, okay?). Well, I am still a student but my next step is to finish this study program that I am in, so finally I can give something good back to my family that is still in the reality that I left.

In conclusion, I realized that life can be good if you are good with yourself in the first place.”

photo by Andre

photo by Andre

photo by Andre

photo by Andre

photo by Andre

photo by Andre