Category Archives: New York City

Roberto and Nelson, Student and Business Manager, New York City

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

Roberto, in his own words: “- Honestly, being gay to me is just a detail in your life and nothing more. That’s what it should be. People give it too much importance and that’s why I can’t comprehend why something so simple and basic like gay marriage is banned in some countries. It’s just so illogical it frustrates me.

(With regards to challenges, I’v faced) Very few. I’ve lived in many countries and I have not had any sort of real intense discrimination for being gay. I think how you are as a person reflects more on how others perceive you than your sexuality alone.

(With regards to the gay community in New York) Where to start. It’s fabulous and I love that, it’s also somewhat elitist and fake. All in all you could say it’s just like any type of community out there. It’s just basic human nature.

(My coming out story) is going to be so simple you might get bored haha! My mom found out I was way when I was 14 on a date with a dude at a restaurant. I had told her earlier that I was going to watch a movie with a friend (that’s a girl) and when she asked me who the guy was I said it was just a friend, but she knew that it wasn’t just a friend. She then pressured me until I finally admitted that that was a guy I was seeing and well, after that it has all been pretty chill. My mother came with my sisters to meet Nelson and all, she had never met any boyfriend.

With my friends it was even simpler. When I was 14 (no kidding like 2 weeks before my mom’s story happened) I told 2 close friends that I thought I was gay and then asked them to not tell anyone. Some days later I was with some classmates in a circle chatting about everything and somehow we touch the gay topic and my friend goes like “Oh yeah Roberto’s gay” and I was like “swallow me earth” but when my friends asked me if it was true and I told them it was, they were all surprisingly cool about it. I think that’s what gave me the courage to not have to hide ever again. In Middle/High school I never had a single incident because I was gay. Keep in mind this ain’t Holland. This is Panama yo.”

Derek and Ken, Film-maker and Graphic Designer, New York City

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

Derek and Ken in their own words: “Being gay is like the universe. It’s everything and nothing. It’s political yet personal, spiritual yet secular, radical yet everyday. And it’s a community we feel deeply blessed to be a part of.

We grew up being told there were things we couldn’t have because we were gay: a husband, a family, a loving household. We’ve been a couple for 13 years, and in that time the global shift in attitude has been monumental. Sure, the world has a long way to to go, but the mere idea of a gay couple being allowed to marry just a few years ago was unthinkable.

So our wedding is this June. Our two families are becoming one. We’re each getting a new niece and nephew. And we’re going to have things we once never even allowed ourselves to imagine. But mainly we’re going have the chance for our love, that doesn’t need validation but will most likely be strengthened by it, to be openly, publicly, and legally celebrated.”

Roberto and Nelson, Student and Business Manager, New York City

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

Nelson, in his own words: “I have always known that I have an overwhelming attraction towards other guys since I was little. However, acknowledging that I am gay took many years. During the process, I hoped these feelings were “just a phase”. Being gay means to accept everything about myself, living life to the fullest without regrets. Being gay makes me appreciate life more, I gain more considerations and thoughts for others around me. Being gay taught me to be kind to everyone including myself , and always find a way out when life becomes a labyrinth.

In the Western world, ‘coming out’ is the final step of self revelation that you are homosexual, however, I still need to face “coming home’ as an Asian American gay man. The battle between my ethnic and sexual identity has been my biggest challenge in the past 10 years. To my mom, I am closeted. A kind, loving, and successful son who is living a busy life in the big city. To everyone else, I have a life where I live based on my sexual identity.

(How do you describe the gay community in New York?)
Friends, Fakes and Fabulous.

(What’s your coming out story?)
My best friend from college: Sup bro, how’s life?
Me: I’m good. I gotta something to tell you – I’m gay.
Best friend: Cool, just don’t hug me no more.
Me: Cool Cool. ”