I recently gave a talk in partnership with Portland State University on my work with the Gay Men Project. I put a lot of hard work and heart into preparing this talk, so when you get a chance, check it out and let me know what you think. It’d mean a lot to me.
Kevin, this is a beautifully told story from the heart. You are a prophet and your passion for truth comes through strongly. I hope lots of people get to see this you tube video. Thanks.
Many, many congratulations on your live presentation. It takes enormous courage to stand up in front of an audience and tell your story, which moved me to tears. As John Montague has noted above, you speak with passion and real commitment. Not surprising your got the warmest reception from your audience. I would urge everyone to watch this video…….
Great, courageous talk Kevin. The tears have stopped now. Thank you.
Thanks a lot ! Your story of life is an example of courage and faith ! God bless you !