The most challenge was to tell to my parents and my friends, but it was not as horrible as I thought, because they still love me the way I am. Also, I’m studying at the University and that was one of my challenges, continuing my studies, I almost am finishing my career which is of the most beautiful one, to be a teacher. However, being a teacher with different sexual condition is going to be a big challenge of my life, to be accepted into the educational institution, but if you are good at what you do and love it, I think it will be less challenging. Either way I will be ready to face it.
The gay community (in Santiago) Works very hard for the acceptance, also for rights that everybody has, but, gay people don’t. I think it is wonderful, because everybody moves for one cause, to be respected from the others to us. However, there exists an institution called MOVILH, which fights for this, making it happen.
When I was at high school, I realized that I was different to others. My likes were different too. But, I did not put too much attention on that changes, because I thought it was part of my growing up process. During the days, weeks, This changes were too strong, then, I began to look at the boys or my classmates with other sight. I began to like boys! Due to that I felt terrible, because I did not have a good education about gays. Also, just the things I heard, which it was not good. During those years, I had felt guilty, so I never told this to anybody, but one day, I told to my mom that I found cute a boy from another grade, she felt terrible and a little guilty too and she told me, “that feeling is going to disappear some day” . I trusted her word. Years later, something happened to me, I was working with my mom in the summer, one day I had to bring some papers to a company, and the receptionist guy started flirting with me, I was so nervous that I just did my job and tried to leave the building as soon as I could, but at the entrance he was waiting for me. He stopped me and asked for me cellphone, I gave it to him and he began to call me, and then we met each other. He was my first gay experience besides he was 7 years older than me, We decided to have meetings after that we started a kind of relationship. Next year, I met another boy, he just was a sexual experience for me, also I was the same for him. Nonetheless, I had been dating with both guys at the same time at least 2 years. In 2010 I decided to tell my sexual condition to my parents, the fist one was my mom, when I told her she cried, but she knew, but it was hard to hear it, then she hugged and kissed me and told me she will love me at the same way she did. Later that day, I told my father, he was a little strict, but he accepted to me, but as I live with him, he put some rules to me. During the time, my whole or most of my family found out I am gay, they did not have problem. Then, on 2012 I had a boyfriend, who lasted 2 years and 4 months with him, my family met him and they loved him. He was my first love, but we broke up on september 17th, we are still talking, and maybe we will back together one day, because I still loving him.
I’m proud of myself to face all this, and also being brave in this life is the only way to survive, I’m responsible, good son, good brother and I will never change the life, the family and friends I got. I say to myself, thanks for being who you are, never change and keep working hard, the success is nearer than you can imagine.”
You are a courageous, intelligent, and beautiful young man. Chile will continue to have more rights for Gays in the future. You should become involved in this struggle.
You will find your soul mate, and live together in hapiness. Good luck, Gordon and Jay
I wish you all the love and success that you deserve!
Thanks for your wishes!
Christo, thanks for your sharing. You look so serious. It would be so nice to see you smile. Your eyes are so beautiful and with a smiling mouth would really look wonderful! I am a teacher too. I wish you all the best in your studies and a good teaching job. Thanks, Kevin!
Thanks you! I really love teaching. I wish you the best too. About smiling, I was so nervous and I realid too late.
Realized* 😛
Olá Cristóbal, gostei do teu termo ” bullying de pessoas “, porque é essa a realidade da sociedade que se mete onde não é chamada, metendo-se na liberdade dos outros. Não é fácil ser-se gay, sobretudo em países conservadores que ainda é a generalidade dos países. Em Portugal essa realidade é ainda relativamnet pouco aceite, aceita-se mas nas costas das pessoas não se aceita. É tudo um egoismo nojento que merece repúdio. É tudo uma questão de direitos humanos. Existe muito trabalho a realizar para se respeitar todos. Dou-te os parabéns pela tua coragem, pela tua história de vida e nunca percas essa coragem, porque está em causa a tua felicidade que só a ti te cabe conquistá-la, nomeadamente conquistar o respeito por parte de todos as pessoas com quem vais trabalhar. Grande abraço, desde Portugal.