Photo by Kevin Truong

Photo by Kevin Truong

Photo by Kevin Truong

Photo by Kevin Truong

Photo by Kevin Truong
Tim, in his own words: “Growing up in a very conservative Southern family, who attended an even more conservative Primitive Baptist church, I was constantly reminded that gays were going to hell and were the worst thing on Earth. In 1982, as the HIV/AIDS epidemic became more common in the press, my family told me all gays “Got AIDS and died”. Over the next 7 years I laid in bed at night, fearful that one day I’d die of an awful disease just because I was born gay. It was at the age of 15 I finally decided I just didn’t give a fuck anymore. I knew I loved God and realized He makes no mistakes; he created me just the way he wanted to! So I came out and moved on to more important things in life like glitter, rainbows, and techno music.
But seriously, I decided I was going to appreciate the life and mind that God had given me. I realized he would want me to appreciate everything about my life and live it to the fullest instead of disrespectfully ignoring what he had created.
Over the short 20 or something…. years that I’ve been alive I’ve realized that being gay isn’t the biggest or even an important part of my life…it’s just the most fantastic part! So here I am: being fantastic and fully “living” my life! Cheers and live who you are!”
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Tim, kudos to u. In my generation, it would have meant the death of me… to gather the strength to come-out like u is admirable. Ur words give me hope that eventually being gay is cool and normal. Al
It is cool and normal! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
Well written Tim, proud to call you a friend!
Thanks woody!
“I decided I was going to appreciate the life and mind that God had given me. I realized he would want me to appreciate everything about my life and live it to the fullest instead of disrespectfully ignoring what he had created.”
What a great statement! Good on you. Your example gives hope and courage to others. Thank you for sharing. And thanks as always to Kevin for the great job you are doing in putting us on the map. Such a tremendous encouragement.
He’s done a great job hasn’t he. Thank you!
Great article Tim!
thanks natali,!
Your statement “So I came out and moved on to more important things in life like glitter, rainbows, and techno music.” is the best I´ve read here at thegaymenproject…! That´s exactly what gays should do everywhere…Compliments for your confidence…
Thanks Luiz!
I love this post 🙂 plus u are really attractive! 🙂
hai tim , awesome story hehehe
now im 17 and so happy can read this
I just believe god made us gay because god is more dear to us than others
TIM: Cool testimonial. And nice to see I’m not the only gay guy to collect clocks. But I’m way too anal to set them to different times. Good on ya!
I love the place! Where is this bar? Name or address?