Samuel, in his own words: To me, being gay means nothing terribly important. I’ve been so precious about other things in my world that I’ve abandoned my sexuality. I govern my life with other identities. I haven’t struggled to accept my orientation, so I don’t think about it too often.
Challenges have bee too accept myself for what I am – a gay, adopted, Asian-american / making it past my eighteenth birthday.
The gay community in New York City is overwhelming, yet not enough.
(With regards to coming out)
Steve: So, what was the highlight of everyone’s day?
Sharon: I’ll start. The highlight of my day was when Sam stopped by during lunch to say hello.
Steve: That was nice of you, Sam. What was the highlight of your day?
Sam: That now is the time for me to tell you I think I might be gay.
Steve: Well…you’re still 14, so you may not know exactly what you want yet. But mom and I both love you and support you no matter what.
Jake: And I love you too Sammy.
Sharon: Can you pass the broccoli?