Tag Archives: ex-gay therapy

Patrick, Internal Mobility Specialist, New York City

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

Patrick, in his own words: “I’m glad I’m a gay man. And I’m proud to have been out for 7+ years now! Being gay is a natural and beautiful part of who I am. Embracing this part of myself has allowed me to live a full and authentic life and has brought me so much freedom and joy. I am a more whole person and have more to give the world and those around me because I’m out and proud.

It was not an easy process for me to come out. For 10 years, I was misled to believe my sexual orientation was wrong and sinful and that I could be straight through prayer, “therapy” and dedication. I started seeing an “ex-gay” “therapist” when I was 11. I shared some of that story in a YouTube video a couple years back, in hopes of preventing others from having to go through similar things.

I’m lucky to live in a time where I am free to daydream about one day having a legally-recognized wedding and husband and all the things I thought I had lost when I realized I was gay. I feel a deep gratitude and connection to the many brave LGBT folks and allies who have come before me and who have risked much for the many causes related to LGBT equality.

I wish the 11 year old version of myself could see me now – he wouldn’t believe life could be this good!”