Category Archives: Budapest, Hungary

Andrea, Activist, Budapest, Hungary

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

Andrea, in his own words: “(Being gay) means not lying to myself.

(With regards to successes) my activism, which is starting to be heard internationally. I have always been very critical towards both the conservative views of the Church and the violent ways of the homophobic far right. Starting from last year after a provocative performance at Budapest Pride I have been receiving tons of death threats, my personal data including home address and workplace were published in nazi forums and I had to move apartment several times fearing for my safety. Now I’m waiting for authorities to finally start investigating my case. I believe it will be a long and intense trial.

Of all my coming outs, the funniest one is probably the one I had with my mother. I was home in Italy visiting, and told my mom I had found a new flat for rent in Budapest. Then I added I was moving in with a friend. Then I told her this friend is a very special one. Then I told this friend is a guy. And then I told her that we are a couple. Last but not least, I also told her that he was downstairs, waiting to come up and introduce himself. We were having lunch, and I still clearly remember how she basically froze with the spoon full of soup in front of her mouth, her eyes staring into nothing. Not one word (or movement) for a very awkward minute. She knew I had some things with guys, but until then she also saw me with girls, so she thought my gay “thing” was just a phase. She refused to meet him that day, but did see him one day later. By the third day she bought us gifts for the house and told me she liked my taste in men.

There are tons of things to do in Budapest for the LGBTQ community – parties, festivals, sports groups and cultural events. I just wish the community were more courageous and would speak up against bullying, in addition to the fact that I think we should impose ourselves a lot more in the political debate.

(Advice to my younger self) I wish I would have started being an activist sooner.”