Miro and Filipe, Art Editor and Account Executive, São Paulo

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

photo by Kevin Truong

Miro, in his own words: “(Being gay means)Only a sexual orientation.

Apenas uma orientação sexual.

I had the challenge of facing bullying in adolescence and success to overcome this without trauma.

Tive o desafio de enfrentar bullying na adolescência e o sucesso de superar isto sem traumas.

There are several communities in São Paulo. Mine is quite homely and friendly.

Existem várias comunidades em São Paulo. A minha é bem caseira e amigável.

(Coming out) was easy. I always had very special friends and family.

Foi fácil. Sempre tive amigos e família muito especiais.

(If I could give myself advice before coming out I would say) Come out of the closet as soon as possible, because everyone around you already knows that you are gay.

Saia do armário o mais cedo possível, pois todo mundo ao seu redor já sabe que você é gay.”

Filipe, in his own words: “(Being gay means) Freedom. In the very beginning may not be easy. But accept that and respect youself first of all, is the most important to be happy.

Liberdade. No inicio pode não parecer fácil, mas aceitar isso e se respeitar, em primeiro lugar, é o mais importante pra ser feliz.

There was no challenge about being gay, besides the normal life. But my greatest success was the acceptance of my family and friends and to have found love so early, I hope to take to the end of life.

Não houve nenhum desafio em relação a ser gay, além dos normais da vida. Mas meu maior sucesso foi a aceitação da minha família e amigos e ter encontrado o amor tão cedo, que eu espero poder aproveitar até o fim da vida.

(The gay scene in São Paulo is) Varied to extremes, we have bars and parties for all types from bears to dragqueens.

Diversificada ao extremo, temos bares e festas para todos os tipos, de ursos a dragqueens.

In the beginning (coming out) was very difficult, you do not want to hurt people who are nearby and apparently it’s easier to keep up appearances and stay with people of the opposite sex, but it is not, and you are always under immense pressure, and when you say is such a relief, the next minute you’re light and happy with yourself. Everything was so perfect, the fourth guy I kissed became the man of my life … I do not think would do differently.

No inicio é bem difícil, você não quer magoar as pessoas que estão próximas e aparentemente, é mais fácil manter as aparências e ficar com pessoas do sexo oposto, mas não é, e você fica sempre sob uma pressão imensa, e quando você conta é um alívio infinito, no minuto seguinte você está leve e feliz com você mesmo. Tudo foi tão perfeito e o quarto cara que eu beijei se tornou o homem da minha vida… acho que não faria diferente.”

2 thoughts on “Miro and Filipe, Art Editor and Account Executive, São Paulo

  1. krishna

    nice of u ,its very great to see u ,thanks to photographer who catch the photo in a very romantic mood ,nice and have a good life for u .

  2. Pingback: Crítica – The Gay Men Project / Rafael Las

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