Diary: Stephen, New York City

Check out the first short documentary I made for the Gay Men Project!

Diary: Stephen, New York City from The Gay Men Project on Vimeo.

Click here to see Stephen’s New York City Photo Shoot

11 thoughts on “Diary: Stephen, New York City

  1. smallapplebites

    A truly wonderful document!
    You would like to meet also Tish…who lives on Perry street. In summer (yes, I know, summer is over…) he is always sitting on his front porch. And he loves to talk to anybody who is ready to listen, and spend some time with him. And the stories he has to tell! He is the living memory of the West Village.

    1. thegaymenproject

      Sounds like a great character! thanks for the recommendation.. think I’ll have to wait til summer to meet him? maybe you could pass along my info and have him contact me if interested…

  2. Steven

    very thoughtful, thought provoking and beautifully elegant. I’m coming to NYC on Wednesday. Your film has set me abuzz with excitement.

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